Special Event March 12
Special Event March 12
Special Event March 12
Special Event March 12
Special Event March 12
Special Event March 12
A Division
Red Jacks
Get My Drift
Dolores Wrecking Crew
SubDucktion Junktion
Heat Seekah
B Division
Dartina's Wild Deuces
Wreck Side Connection
My Team
Happy People
Double Vision
C Division
Bull Wranglers
The Half-way Barfly
Laughing Bastards
Bud's Grinders
White Horses

SFDL Divisions

Currently we have 3 divisions, with 20 teams and 16 sponsor bars/pubs.
C League is appropriate for beginners and intermediate, A League is the most competitive, but everyone is in the game for fun and camaraderie!

We look forward to Wednesdays to break up the work week and let loose a little, all matches start at 7:30 pm.

If you've played before we can help you determine the level you would enjoy the most.

At A Glance

Want to make lifelong friends in the dart world? We love the game of darts and nothing is better than helping new players of all skill levels (including beginners!) enjoy it.

If you have a group of friends you'd like to play with, you can start your own team. Or if you're solo, we'll help you find an existing team to join!

Darts thrown per match
Darts thrown per week
Darts thrown each season
Darts thrown since 1972


Do you want to increase your profits? We have the answer. Sponsor a dart team!
One of the most iconic bar games, darts, is loved and can be played at a variety of skill levels.
Every Wednesday over one hundred and thirty five players from over twenty five teams play out of fifteen pubs in San Francisco alone.
By sponsoring one dart team, you’ll have the home and visiting team in your pub bi-weekly (two teams means every week).
Most teams have six or seven players. This means fifteen new customers in your pub for three to four hours; or every week with two teams.
That is a big increase in profit for you!

SFDL Calendar

2024 Fall Season League Champions
A League - Get My Drift Playing out of One Up

B League - Heat Seekah Playing out of Abbey Tavern

C League - Dartina’s Wild Deuces Playing out of 2222
Wednesdays is League Night
Wednesday Night at 7:30pm at Sponsor Bars around the city. Check the Schedule for the Sponsor Bar
Pay your member and sponsor fees online using PayPal.

We have our own secure PayPal account you can use to submit a payment for Sponsor or Member's Fees.
SFDL Info Line
Give us a ring or email us with any questions.
